Support an environmental project


The current health crisis is a first strong signal of the consequences of the loss of biodiversity. Biologists fear the emergence of other pathogens as natural ecosystems become increasingly extinct. For plants, the chalarose ash borer originating from China, the boxwood borer, are recent examples. For human beings, after Ebola, H1N1, here comes Corona, freed from ecosystems that had kept them locked up, endemic until now.

Similarly, the availability of fresh drinking water is becoming a concern in some areas of the world. Nitrate pollution, eutrophication and salinisation of coastal aquifers are metropolitan threats. These concerns are similar to those related to the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change.

Rising air and water temperatures are causing sea levels to rise and the intensity of storms, droughts and fires to become more intense and longer lasting (Source: OXFAM). To fight these harmful phenomena, engage in thoughtful and virtuous projects.

Amount demanded
609 k€
14 332 acres
2021 - 2025


In Chantilly, global warming is already doing its work. The average temperature has been rising for 30 years and rainfall is inevitably falling. The consequence is a mortality of the oaks in particular, while the forest is also subject to the increasing aggression of the chafer. CARBON FOREST is actively working to implement an itinerary to enable the ancient ecosystem of Chantilly to get through this major climate crisis.


The 9 Regions project includes 12 forest sites spread over 9 regions. The richness of biodiversity is particularly noteworthy, and the sustainable forestry model makes it possible to manage forests, ecosystems, water resources, biodiversity and soil and air quality over the long term.
Amount demanded
450 k€
14 826 acres
2021 - 2025
Amount demanded
13,5 k€
445 acres
2021 - 2025


Global warming is accelerating and forest dieback and loss of biodiversity are warning signs. Acting on the environment of Chablis means both preserving the local biodiversity but also participating in the conservation of a unique climate and a land suitable for viticulture and forestry.